John Lombela

Founder and CEO at Axalio, Founder of Cryptovecs Capital and Innovecs Consulting

John is a serial entrepreneur, investor, business coach and mentor. He has developed several businesses in the field of Information & Communication Technology, FinTech, Blockchain & Cryptoassets, as well as syndicated funds in the space of alternative investment. He holds a vast global network and is very well travelled with over 35 countries in four continents. He has spoken in over 10 countries while educating and advocating the notion of Cryptocurrencies, Blockchain technology and the opportunities it brings to disrupt traditional brick and mortar companies, and as an improvement to already established internet-based companies.

John mentors entrepreneurs and conducts various seminars to talk about Entrepreneurship, the importance of Money and Investing across Africa including other parts of the world such as the United Arab of Emirates, Singapore and the United States of America.

John is an expert on the topics of entrepreneurship, leadership, alternative investments and is regularly interviewed on some of the top shows and has engaged with other great entrepreneurs around the world to advance his agenda of Entrepreneurship in the great continent of Africa. He currently is focused on raising capital to manage a fund targeted to reach USD 100 Million and deploy the capital to service the needs of various industry sectors such as the healthcare system in the DRC, the Entrepreneurial Sector in South Africa and the DRC and other countries in Africa; as well as has the philanthropic goal of mentoring, creating and investing in 100 entrepreneurs over the next 5 years in countries such as South Africa, DRC, Nigeria, Kenya, just to name a few.

He is a graduate of Tshwane University of Technology, the University of Liverpool and the Anglia Ruskin University.