Pretty Kubyane

COO and Co-Founder of Coronet Blockchain

My management consulting focus across nearly a decade ushered me into an industry disruption through the co-founding of Coronet Blockchain – an emerging technology solution geared to shift how hair exchanges hands across Africa’s ZAR 100 billion per year sector. A responsibility that sees me reshaping the future of this sector.

I also possess a proven Impact investment Advisory track-record harnessed over a decade and a half horizon window with active projects experience across stakeholders preambles across Government, FDI and left-behind community segments. Spearheaded the calibration of a ZAR 29 billion social impact investment framework to create a blue-print social benefit system to ensure regulatory mining compliance for mining shareholders, economic transformation as per SDG objectives and socio-economic impact executed through best-practice international benchmarks.

Demonstrated sustainability capabilities that ensure operations profitability, workflow ergonomics, team harmony, projects delivery outputs, accounts management capabilities, accurate interpretation of client expectations and project management deliverables on targets and within assigned budgetary framework across enterprise partnerships.
Sub-Sahara Africa (SSA) markets entry enabling foundation configuration and structure builds that pave way for incoming firms to tap into new markets, either through M&A, opening a new site, partnerships, and/or stakeholder mapping. Her possession of an intuitive stakeholder relations enables Access Pharma to navigate delegations, partake in international and local best practice exchange platforms, CSI and service provider value-add initiatives.